Cylynn was finally of age to attend the Jedi acedmy, so she said goodbye to her family and left to become a force for the better good. When Cylynn arrived she was met by Master Jenobi and her other classmates. "Welcome Younglings, today you begin your journey to becoming a jedi, here you will learn of the force, the jedi teachings, and eventually go through your trials. I feel the force is strong with all of you." Jenobi led the younglings to their quarters in the jedi Temple. "Get to know one another as you will be spending a great deal of time together on this journey" Cylynn turned to a young Zabrak standing next to her, and she immediately sensed that they were going to be good friends. "Hi, I'm Cylynn" she said as he turned and smiled at her "I'm Stritor, I sense a strong sense of the force in you, we may want to be partners through the trials." They unpacked and not long after Master Jenobi returned, "Well younglings it's time to begin" She lead them to a library in the jedi temple. "Here younglings you will study the force and our teachings, there is no greater weapon then knowledge" Cylynn began studying the teachings of Odan-Urr "There is no emotion there is Peace, there is no ignorance there is knowledge, there is no passion there is serenity there is no chaos there is harmony, there is no death, there is the force." Cylynn wanted to be a jedi but there were so many emotions and passion stirring inside her, she did not know if she could ignore her feelings and her emotions, but she was determined to try. The lessons continued with Master Jenobi. "Younglings, as a Jedi we must learn that we are the protectors of peace, we respect all life forms. We use our powers and the force to protect and defend others, never to instigate any attacks. This is why we must study the force before learning to fight." She then had the younglings pair up. "But, being a protector for good there is also evil, so there may be a time where you will have to fight in order to defend and attack, so find a partner and use your force to anticipate their moves. Cylynn turned to Stritor, "Partners?" Stritor smiled and followed Cylynn to the temple. They began to practice letting the force flow through them and influence their sparring exercises. "You're pretty good at this for a human" Stritor taunted her smugly. Cylynn couldn't help but let her emotions and feelings bubble to the surface, she has strong feelings for Stritor. She wondered if he could sense it in her. Their eyes met for a moment, she stretched out using the force to sense what he was thinking. "You know what you're thinking is strictly forbidden Cylynn." Stritor said locking his eyes on hers. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep my emotions buried...'There is no emotion only Peace'" Cylynn recited then she walked away not knowing what to do about what she was thinking or feeling. Master Jenobi approached her, "Cylynn, I sense a disturbance in you, what is troubling you?" "Master, I'm trying to find my interpeace, I don't want my emotions to control me, I don't want to fail the trials." Cylynn said "Cylynn, there is much good in you, I can help you find your inter peace, but it takes discipline and meditation, but we can focus on this in the future. Come we will meditate let the force guide you."
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The Fall of Rah
Rah always felt he grew up living in the shadow of his twin sister, she was always the one with the "Gift" and the one that got all the attention from his parents. Although they were very close, as they grew older Rah began feeling out of place. Soon he resented Cylynn and wanted nothing more to be out of the family he was forced into.
When Cylynn had left for the Jedi temple Rah was glad to be rid of her. He felt he finally would be able to branch out and do what he wanted to do without the shadow of his sister. He felt he meant nothing to his parents, and did not agree with their beliefs, so when he was old enough to leave he did.
Rah bartered passage on several ships until he reached Tatoonine, his rough rebellious kind of neighborhood where he could shine at what he had a natural gift for, Podracing. Rah had always been good as a pilot, but his family always said he was "wreck less" or that it was too "dangerous"
Rah entered in the low division podraces, but his skills got him plenty of attention as he began his rise to fame.
As Rah became known all over Tatoonine as an exceptional racer he began to enjoy all of the perks. Nothing but the finest food and drink at the local cantinas. He reveled in the party life, enjoying the finest things the fast desert planet to offer. There was no exception to the fine company he could enjoy as well. But his quick Ascension to fame had also brought unwanted attention, especially those looking to make some easy credits on the podraces. Rah was just a child who didn't now how deep he was getting into. All he could see was the credits he was winning and the woman he could spend it all. In his mind he had it all.
One evening Rah was approached by a Munn by the name of Thesalon. Munns were known through the galaxy as being financial savvy. They usually lead simple lives as accountants and rarely left their planet Muunlist unless there was a credit to be made. "Rah, I've seen you race you are very good and favored by many of the fans." The muun said sitting down in a more secluded part of the catina. "Well what can I say, I'm just that good" Rah said smugly. "Ah, well that brings me to my business proposal, You're so popular and win almost every race that most people bet for you, but lets say someone were to bet that you lose, and that rare chance that you do, well it could be quite profitable" The muun looked at him with a sly smile. "So you want me to throw the race?! What kind of person do you think I am?" Rah said outraged. "I think you're a man who is smart enough to accept opportunities to make you rich when they come along, I can indeed make it worth your wild, In more then one way" The munn motioned to a savage looking goon lurking in the corner "Do I make myself clear?" The goon snarled in Rah's direction. "Perfectly" Rah stood and grabbed a cantina dancer and walked her to the back room.
As the race neared Rah decided he wasn't going to let the Muun threaten him into giving up his perfect winning streak. He was on top of the world what could the credit pushing Muun do to him. If he was really worried he could always hire goons of his own. It was race day and Rah was pumped. As he checked his pod Tesalon with the goon in tow approached him. "Do not forget our little arrangement today Rah." He said circling the pod. "Yeah, Yeah I know, now can you get outta here so I can get ready." The Race began and Rah put everything he had into it for another win. That night Thesalon approached him in the Catina looking furious. "Do you know how much I lost today?!" The Muun was fuming. "Not my problem," Rah said trying to walk away "You will regret this!" The Muun yelled at Rah.
That night as Rah was on his way home a Figure appeared in front of his speeder. He swerved to hit it and crashed into a nearby sand dune. He crawled out of his speeder and saw the figure walking towards him. "Look what you did you stupid Bantha Fodder!" Rah said looking at the the smoking speeder in the sand. As the figure neared he recognized it as the Muuns silent goon. A wave of panic took over, there was nothing near for miles, and even if there was something close Tatoonine had more of a look the other way policy. "Look if this is about credits you can have all of my winnings for the day, and my next, just don't do anything stupid..." Rah began to back away, The alien snarled and in a moment had pounced on Rah. In Rah's last moments his thoughts went out to his Sister Cylynn, he desperately wished she was here, she would have protected him, and with his last breath he whispered "Cylynn..."
When Cylynn had left for the Jedi temple Rah was glad to be rid of her. He felt he finally would be able to branch out and do what he wanted to do without the shadow of his sister. He felt he meant nothing to his parents, and did not agree with their beliefs, so when he was old enough to leave he did.
Rah bartered passage on several ships until he reached Tatoonine, his rough rebellious kind of neighborhood where he could shine at what he had a natural gift for, Podracing. Rah had always been good as a pilot, but his family always said he was "wreck less" or that it was too "dangerous"
Rah entered in the low division podraces, but his skills got him plenty of attention as he began his rise to fame.

As the race neared Rah decided he wasn't going to let the Muun threaten him into giving up his perfect winning streak. He was on top of the world what could the credit pushing Muun do to him. If he was really worried he could always hire goons of his own. It was race day and Rah was pumped. As he checked his pod Tesalon with the goon in tow approached him. "Do not forget our little arrangement today Rah." He said circling the pod. "Yeah, Yeah I know, now can you get outta here so I can get ready." The Race began and Rah put everything he had into it for another win. That night Thesalon approached him in the Catina looking furious. "Do you know how much I lost today?!" The Muun was fuming. "Not my problem," Rah said trying to walk away "You will regret this!" The Muun yelled at Rah.

Sunday, September 9, 2012
In the beginning there was Cylynn Kohlr
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away on the beautiful shores of Naboo lived the Kohlr family. Senator Damious Kohlr and former Queen Thalmadda had been married for ten years in an arrange marriage. Within the first few years of their marriage they gave birth to twins Rah and Cylynn. Rah was a strong healthy handsome boy but incredibly stubborn and emotional. Cylynn was different, her father felt something special about her the first time he held her in his arms. "This one is going to do great things I think my dear" He said too his wife, "There is a great power in her."
As they grew up Cylynn and Rah were inseparable. There was never one without the other. They completed each other, Rah was very adventures and curious, and always seemed to be getting into trouble, and Cylynn always followed keeping a protective eye on him. And when he was away she often could sense what he was feeling or when he was in trouble. This is the first signs of Cylynn showing signs of being different, more in tune with her feelings, this was the first signs on the force.
As Cylynn's senses grew she began to be able to read people more easily, and although her parents put on the formal front of having a happy marriage, Cylynn could sense something hidden below the surface. As she got closer to her mother she could sense the resentment and unhappiness her mother felt towards her marriage. She could also sense that the only pride and joy in her mothers life were her two children. Cylynn could also sense the burden her father carried, wanting to give his love and affection to someone who resented him from the beginning. I suppose that is what came from having an arrange marriage. Even with the resentment and loveless marriage they lead, Cylynn could also sense that both her parents did indeed love her and Rah, and so she kept this knowledge to herself and continued to do her best to function as a happy loving family.
Cylynn's parents being well educated made sure that both her and Rah would be well educated too. They took a personal interest in their studies educated them in Art, literature, music, and politics. Cylynns father also began teaching Cylynn about the force. "I believe you have much potential my dear, in a year I believe you will be ready to go to the Jedi temple where you will learn, and train to use your special gift you've been given, and if you really want to and you make it through the trials I believe you will be a very strong and powerful Jedi, bringing much good and joy in this time of war." Her father told her tenderly. "Will Rah get to come with me father?" Cylynn asked hopeful. "I am afraid not, his path lies else where." He smiled gently at her and handed her a new book about the Republic and the Politics there in. Cylynn was left to her thoughts, she felt that she did not want to go if she had to part with her one companion she had know since before birth. She had never been apart from him from more then a day or so. What if something happened while she was away? Could she forgive herself if something happened to him and she could not protect him?
Rah had always had to learn things the hard way, and was always getting into trouble. As he and Cylynn got a little older he began pulling away from her. Getting into more trouble then she could prevent, hanging out with the scum that came through for the Podraces. Cylynn sensed the worry in her parents and more and more Rah seemed to be pulling away from the family. Sneaking out to meet the rift-raft floating through. At first Cylynn sensed that this was harmless curiosity but then she noticed he seemed to change. He was darker somehow. He would make petty jabs at her around his new scum-bag friends. He was constantly trying to distance himself from her. Soon he was finding himself in more and more dangerous situations. He was breaking his families heart. Cylynn tried to reach out to him "I'm worried about you Rah, you're not yourself anymore, you're breaking our parents hearts can't you see that." Cylynn tried to reason with him. "You always have the answers don't you Cylynn, well I'm tired of you always being around, I want you to go away! I wish you were never my sister." Rah stormed out of the palace and went towards town with a dangerous looking bunch. Cylynn felt a darkness she had never felt before, this...this was her first betrayal.
As they grew up Cylynn and Rah were inseparable. There was never one without the other. They completed each other, Rah was very adventures and curious, and always seemed to be getting into trouble, and Cylynn always followed keeping a protective eye on him. And when he was away she often could sense what he was feeling or when he was in trouble. This is the first signs of Cylynn showing signs of being different, more in tune with her feelings, this was the first signs on the force.

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