A long time ago in a galaxy far far away on the beautiful shores of Naboo lived the Kohlr family. Senator Damious Kohlr and former Queen Thalmadda had been married for ten years in an arrange marriage. Within the first few years of their marriage they gave birth to twins Rah and Cylynn. Rah was a strong healthy handsome boy but incredibly stubborn and emotional. Cylynn was different, her father felt something special about her the first time he held her in his arms. "This one is going to do great things I think my dear" He said too his wife, "There is a great power in her."

As they grew up Cylynn and Rah were inseparable. There was never one without the other. They completed each other, Rah was very adventures and curious, and always seemed to be getting into trouble, and Cylynn always followed keeping a protective eye on him. And when he was away she often could sense what he was feeling or when he was in trouble. This is the first signs of Cylynn showing signs of being different, more in tune with her feelings, this was the first signs on the force.

As Cylynn's senses grew she began to be able to read people more easily, and although her parents put on the formal front of having a happy marriage, Cylynn could sense something hidden below the surface. As she got closer to her mother she could sense the resentment and unhappiness her mother felt towards her marriage. She could also sense that the only pride and joy in her mothers life were her two children. Cylynn could also sense the burden her father carried, wanting to give his love and affection to someone who resented him from the beginning. I suppose that is what came from having an arrange marriage. Even with the resentment and loveless marriage they lead, Cylynn could also sense that both her parents did indeed love her and Rah, and so she kept this knowledge to herself and continued to do her best to function as a happy loving family.

Cylynn's parents being well educated made sure that both her and Rah would be well educated too. They took a personal interest in their studies educated them in Art, literature, music, and politics. Cylynns father also began teaching Cylynn about the force. "I believe you have much potential my dear, in a year I believe you will be ready to go to the Jedi temple where you will learn, and train to use your special gift you've been given, and if you really want to and you make it through the trials I believe you will be a very strong and powerful Jedi, bringing much good and joy in this time of war." Her father told her tenderly. "Will Rah get to come with me father?" Cylynn asked hopeful. "I am afraid not, his path lies else where." He smiled gently at her and handed her a new book about the Republic and the Politics there in. Cylynn was left to her thoughts, she felt that she did not want to go if she had to part with her one companion she had know since before birth. She had never been apart from him from more then a day or so. What if something happened while she was away? Could she forgive herself if something happened to him and she could not protect him?

Rah had always had to learn things the hard way, and was always getting into trouble. As he and Cylynn got a little older he began pulling away from her. Getting into more trouble then she could prevent, hanging out with the scum that came through for the Podraces. Cylynn sensed the worry in her parents and more and more Rah seemed to be pulling away from the family. Sneaking out to meet the rift-raft floating through. At first Cylynn sensed that this was harmless curiosity but then she noticed he seemed to change. He was darker somehow. He would make petty jabs at her around his new scum-bag friends. He was constantly trying to distance himself from her. Soon he was finding himself in more and more dangerous situations. He was breaking his families heart. Cylynn tried to reach out to him "I'm worried about you Rah, you're not yourself anymore, you're breaking our parents hearts can't you see that." Cylynn tried to reason with him. "You always have the answers don't you Cylynn, well I'm tired of you always being around, I want you to go away! I wish you were never my sister." Rah stormed out of the palace and went towards town with a dangerous looking bunch. Cylynn felt a darkness she had never felt before, this...this was her first betrayal.
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